Financial Tools
Financial Calculators
MF Tax Group calculators help you make informed decisions about your personal finances at every stage of life.
Use our college savings calculator to determine how much you should be saving for college on a regular basis.
Use our student loan calculator to help gauge the feasibility of your student loan repayment with your anticipated future income.
It may surprise you that, on average, an individual with a bachelor's degree earns approximately $76,648 per year, compared to the $42,484 average yearly salary of a worker with a high school diploma. Use this calculator to see the value of a college education.
Use this calculator to help determine whether living on or off campus is better and to see the costs associated with these alternatives.
Use this calculator to determine when to start saving for college and to help illustrate what a small amount of monthly savings might grow to if you start today.
Preparing for college can be very stressful. With the ACTs, GPAs, and all the applications, it's easy to forget about what it's all going to cost. Use this calculator to figure out how much you might need before the next big phase of your life.