Financial Tools
Financial Calculators
MF Tax Group calculators help you make informed decisions about your personal finances at every stage of life.
Use our new house calculator to determine how much of a mortgage you may be able to obtain.
Use our refinance calculator to analyze your situation today!
Use our mortgage calculator to see the impact of these variables along with an amortization schedule. Accurately calculating your mortgage can be a critical first step when determining your budget.
Use this calculator to determine the total cost in today's dollars of various mortgage alternatives taking into account your opportunity cost of money.
In some cases, it may benefit you to 'buy down the interest rate' by paying extra money up front in the form of discount points. Use this calculator to help determine if this makes sense for you.
With interest rates near forty year lows, the decision to rent versus buy becomes difficult. Use this calculator to help determine which makes sense for you at this time.
Use this calculator to determine your potential tax savings with a mortgage. (Consult your tax advisor regarding the deductibility of interest.)
Use this calculator to help compare the total cost of each alternative.
Use our adjustable rate mortgage (ARM) calculator to see how interest rate assumptions will impact your monthly payments and the total interest paid over the life of the loan.
Use this calculator to itemize the closing costs and to compare loans with different rates, fees or terms.
Use this calculator to determine the monthly payments, timing and total interest paid with each loan type.
Use this calculator to estimate your borrowing capacity on a HELOC. (Subject to underwriting guidelines, including limits on maximum loan to value.)
Use this calculator to help determine the best loan option for you.
Use this calculator to help illustrate how a reverse mortgage might work in your situation.
Balloon mortgages are not right for every borrower, use our calculator to help you determine if it is a good fit for you.