Financial Tools
Financial Calculators
MF Tax Group calculators help you make informed decisions about your personal finances at every stage of life.
Use this calculator to help determine your portfolio allocation based on your propensity for risk.
Use this calculator to help make an apple-to-apple comparison of varying investment returns.
Use this calculator to help determine the value of a bond.
Use this calculator to help you determine your potential IRR (internal rate of return) on a property.
Use this compound interest calculator to illustrate the impact of compound interest on the future value of an asset.
Use this calculator to determine the future value of an investment being subject to income tax each year versus deferring the tax until withdrawal.
Complete the following questionnaire to help determine your risk profile.
It may surprise you how much more you could accumulate in savings simply by repositioning assets to achieve potentially a slightly higher return.
Use this Certificate of Deposit Calculator to help determine the potential interest growth and tax liability on your Certificate of Deposit.
Use this calculator to estimate the impact these charges may have on the growth of your investment.
Investments can be volatile, and you often lose as fast as you gain. Input how much you originally invested, and then either the percent you have lost, or the current balance, and get an idea of the rate of return you need to gain back enough to break even.