Financial Tools
Financial Calculators
MF Tax Group calculators help you make informed decisions about your personal finances at every stage of life.
Use this calculator to help compare living expenses now from the day you retire. This will also help you to plan your saving requirements for the day you retire.
This pre-retirement calculator was developed to help you determine how well you have prepared and what you can do to improve your retirement outlook.
Use this retirement planning calculator to determine when/if the money will run out during retirement and it will recommend additional savings if required.
Use this calculator to estimate how much more income you may need when factoring in inflation between now and until you reach retirement to keep the same standard of living that you may have today.
Use this calculator to help determine when your retirement savings account may be depleted given a specified monthly income target.
Use this calculator to determine how much more you could accumulate at retirement by beginning your savings plan today rather than waiting.
Use this calculator to determine how much you could accumulate for retirement by saving instead of spending.
It may surprise you how significant your retirement accumulation may become simply by saving a small percentage of your salary each month in your 401(k) plan.
Use this calculator to help compare employee contributions to the new after-tax Roth 401(k) and the current tax-deductible 401(k).