Financial Tools
Financial Calculators
MF Tax Group calculators help you make informed decisions about your personal finances at every stage of life.
Use this calculator to determine the annual amount you would have to set aside each year to reach a million dollars and reach your goal to be a millionaire.
Saving regularly can help you achieve your future income goals. Use this calculator to determine how much income an existing balance and/or a regular savings plan can provide.
By dividing 72 by your investment return you can determine the amount of time required for your money to be worth about twice as much as it is today.
Use this calculator to determine how many years an existing savings account will take to reach your stated objective.
Use this calculator to determine how much extra you will need to save if you wait.
Use this rate of return calculator to calculate these returns.
Use this investment return calculator to determine the impact taxes and inflation can have on the purchasing power of your investment.